Monday, October 5, 2009

i totally want to be this couple.

i went to the Charlotte Ronson show in NYC a couple of weeks back and absolutely fell in love with this couple. they had their own vibe going on and were just insanely cool. my favorite was him, of course. rocking that beard and hair.


but the best was every time a new model or look walked down the runway he seemed to take it all in with a slow head-to-toe-to-head glance as the girls would walk by. most of the time he would sit in the same position as you see above with no emotion on his face, but every so often on an outfit he really liked, they model would get a slow nod of approval. i don't know why, but these two were fascinating to watch.

and i have no idea who they are, but from where they landed in the seating at the show, i'm assuming they're socialites of some sort. it doesn't really matter. what matters is how can i become them?

i guess i could start by growing my beard again.

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