Sunday, October 14, 2012

Message from my machine

I picked up my sewing machine from the repair shop a few weeks ago and I just now noticed that there is a guitar pick taped to the front of it.  What the...?

When a mystery guitar pick shows up on your sewing machine, I guess there is only one thing to do.  Better get to practicing.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Hot Pink Magic Quest

A chance meeting at a festival in Port Aransas, Texas...
led to a Friday night emergency Magic Dress demo in San Antonio, Texas...
which led to an order of six hot pink Magic Dresses while on the road in California.
Two sewing machines loaded in the car for an 8,000 mile treck.

Here the quest begins.

In between shows like this:  

And scenes like this:

I would hunt for fabric in places like this: 
 The Los Angeles Fashion District
 If you were wondering, no, hot pink poly-spandex ITY is not an easy fabric to find...
But, ah-ha!!!  Found it!

Cut, measured and assembled the six dresses in two different
 friend's houses in San Francisco, California...

and maaaaaybe one Motel 6 in Big Sur.  What?

And sometimes, after a long day of driving and
seeing absolutely breath-taking sights like these:

You get to lug two sewing machines up to your dodgy Motel 6 room to fill an order.
See the wine and Diet Coke?  A sure sign of a productive night.

Um, do you want to see the amazing Motel 6 bed spread up close?  Of course you do.
(Don't worry, you can't get germs through a computer screen.  Um, not that I know of.)  

Can you see the Motel 6 sign?  Genius.

And after all of that...
This is the hot pink Magic Dress result.


SO worth it in every way!
Are they the cutest or what???

Scenes from a Bath Tub

Stumbled upon this little gem courtesy of my four year old niece.  Um.  Awesome.