Thursday, September 4, 2008

blood boiling.

i'm trying reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hard to be calm right now, when i am so dang frustrated with eeorye.

instead of having a pro-active plan and actually brainstorming with everyone else on how we can generate more business and actually going out into the community and gathering customers that way - his grand idea is to schedule MORE people to work on the weekends. oh. ok. so, let's schedule MORE sitting around and waiting time for customers to magically find us and walk through the door. because we are just SO busy on the weekends that one person can't possibly handle the entire day by themselves.

yes. this is a great plan. this makes PERFECT sense.

and on top of that, he schedules me to work every saturday and not one sunday. ok, fine. working weekends is part of the job - i get it. whatever. but to schedule someone on really the one day of the weekend where anything remotely exciting happens - AKA college football games, going camping, a day trip or even just going out of town for a Saturday night - is just wrong.

but maybe it is just a simple mistake. maybe he just didn't realize he did that. it is totally possible.

but, dang.


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